What is STARworks?

Starworks is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes community and economic development by providing outstanding artistic educational programs.

We provide artistic opportunities to the public and showcase outstanding talent from around the world through our Artist Residency programs. Starworks hosts studios in Glass, Ceramics, and Metal, as well as an onsite Ceramic Supply Shop, Cafe & Taproom, and Galleries.

Starworks Ceramics

Starworks Ceramics uses native NC wild clays to produce clay bodies that are manufactured on-site with a filter press and sold directly to the public through our Ceramic Supply Shop. Starworks Ceramics also offers internship & residency programs for ceramic artists, and hands on workshops that are open to the public. Learn more.


The School House Gallery at Starworks

The School House Gallery is a public gallery featuring work from over 100 artists, mostly past Starworks residents and interns. The School House Gallery is open Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm at no cost to guests.

Starworks Cafe & Taproom

Starworks Cafe & Taproom is full service coffee bar, taproom, and live music venue. Enjoy games, wifi, music, art, and your favorite treats! Starworks Cafe & Taproom is open Mondays from 9am-3pm, and Tuesday-Saturday 9am-9pm. Well behaved, leashed dogs are welcome. Learn More.


Starworks Glass

Starworks Glass is a public access glass studio that offers rental space for glass artists, workshops for the general public, a resident artist and internship program, and high school and college glass curriculum. In addition to annual fundraisers like our Pumpkin Patch and Holiday Market, Starworks Glass also holds $5 demonstrations on the second Thursday of each month (Sept-May) at Hot Glass Cold Beer. Learn more.

Starworks Metal

Starworks Metal is the newest addition to Starworks, and hosts hands on workshops in welding, blacksmithing and casting for the public. Internship and residency opportunities are coming soon! Learn more.